These three are some of the most common prepositions in Spanish. However, there is no single meaning for them in English.
DE can mean of, about, on, from, than, indicating:
- Origin: Soy de Alemania. I’m from Germany.
- Possession: Es el bar de mi tío. It’s my uncle’s bar.
- Cause: Estoy cansada de copiar estas letras. I’m tired of copying these lyrics.
- Composition: Este pañuelo es de seda. This is a silk scarf.
- Comparison: Hay más de 20 personas aquí. There are more than 20 people here.
- Idiomatic expressions: ¿Por qué estáis de pie? Why are you standing?
EN can mean in, at, on, by, indicating:
- Place: No estamos en casa. We are not at home.
- Time: En otoño hay muy pocos turistas aquí. There are very few tourists here in autumn.
- Travel method: A menudo viajo en avión. I often travel by plane.
- Idioms: ¿Hablas en serio? Are you serious?
A can mean to, at, for, on, indicating:
- Motion: Quiero ir a Suiza. I want to go to Switzerland.
- Manner: Vine aquí a pie. I came here on foot.
- Time: La clase empieza a las diez. The lesson starts at 10 o’clock.
- Connection between two verbs: Empecé a hacer yoga. I started doing yoga.
- Before an indirect object: Di tus apuntes a Ana. I gave your notes to Ana.
- Before a person as a direct object – personal “a”: ¿Conoces a Martin? Do you know Martin?
A menudo viajo en avión.