False friends (German: Falsche Freunde) refer to words or phrases in two languages which are similar but which mean different things. These resemblances can be external, meaning that the words look the same, but the words can also have a similar pronunciation.

False friends can be perplexing for both language learners and language professionals. Below are some words we have gathered that may give you a headache!

gift ≠ das Gift

English: gift = German: das Geschenk

German: das Gift = English: poison

chef ≠ der Chef

English: chef = German: der Koch / die Köchin

German: der Chef = English: boss, manager

fabric ≠ die Fabrik

English: fabric = German: der Stoff

German: die Fabrik = English: factory

schmuck ≠ der Schmuck

English: schmuck = German: Depp, Schwachkopf

German: der Schmuck = English: jewellery

to become ≠ bekommen

English: to become = German: werden

German: bekommen = English: to receive


Many words are transferred from one language to another in the form of loanwords. Sometimes these loanwords’ definitions evolve to mean something completely different from the original. These words can also be called false friends. Here are some examples of such stumbling blocks:

body bag ≠ das Bodybag

English: body bag = German: der Leichensack

German: das Bodybag = English: messenger bag

bureau ≠ das Büro

English: bureau = German: der Schreibtisch, die Kommode

German: das Büro = English: office

novel ≠ die Novelle

English: novel = German: der Roman

German: die Novelle = English: short story

old-timer ≠ der Oldtimer

English: old-timer = German: der Veteran, der Senior

German: der Oldtimer = English: vintage car


Remember to also keep in mind that some expressions may have more than one equivalent with different meanings in the foreign language. It’s important to know which one to use depending on the situation, or you may be misunderstood.

to realize = erkennen / begreifen

erkennen = to recognize

begreifen = to understand

tongue = die Sprache / die Zunge

die Sprache = language

die Zunge = muscular organ in the mouth

sick = übel / krass (slang)

übel = to feel sick

krass = cool