4. Past tense
In Finnish, the past tense is used when you speak about things that happened in the past: for example, yesterday, last week or in the year 1917:
Tulin Suomeen vuonna 2001.
I came to Finland in 2001.
Asuin aluksi HelsingissÀ ja opiskelin suomea.
At first I lived in Helsinki and studied Finnish.
The past tense form of a verb is created with the sign i, which is added to the present tense form of the verb.
Present tense:
Nyt minÀ asun Oulussa.
Now I live in Oulu.
Past tense:
Vuonna 2001 minÀ asuin HelsingissÀ.
In 2001 I lived in Helsinki.Etsin töitÀ.
I was looking for a job.Puhuin kaikille englantia.
I spoke English to everyone.
Stem | Past tense marker | Personal ending |
Asu | i | n |
The last vowel of the verb stem can change when the past tense sign i is added. Often the vowel disappears:
Present tense:
pidÀn I like
tulen I come
saan I get
juon I drink
Past tense:
pidin I liked
tulin I came
sain I got
join I drank
Or the vowel can change to another: maksan (I pay) -> maksoin (I paid)
In verb type 4, the past tense sign is âsi:
haluan (I want) -> halusin (I wanted)
siivoan (I clean) -> siivosin (I cleaned)
minÀ nukun (I sleep) -> minÀ nukuin (I slept)hÀn nukkuu (he/she sleeps) -> hÀn nukkui (he/she slept)
Aluksi en puhunut suomea enkÀ ymmÀrtÀnyt, mitÀ ihmiset puhuivat.
At first I didnât speak Finnish and couldnât understand what people were saying.
PUHU/A = MinĂ€ en puhunut. I didnât speak.
YMMĂRTĂ/Ă = SinĂ€ et ymmĂ€rtĂ€nyt. You didnât understand.
HALU/TA = HĂ€n ei halunnut. He/She didnât want.
JUO/DA = Me emme juoneet. We didnât drink.
SIIVO/TA = Te ette siivonneet. You didnât clean.
NUKKU/A = He eivĂ€t nukkuneet. They didnât sleep.