A WordDive language course is a great gift that will bring joy to the recipient and be useful for many years to come. The recipient will be able to break the language barrier easily and efficiently even while sitting on the sofa at home – with just 63 hours of practice!

Easy to buy online
WordDive language courses teach real-life language skills that are genuinely useful for the recipient. Language skills help us understand the world and are helpful in different situations in life: whether it’s a new job, a holiday abroad or simply studying for fun. All our learning materials are designed by Finnish language teachers and native speakers.
You can easily buy a gift card for a language course online. What could be more convenient than clicking gifts into your shopping cart from the comfort of your home?
How to buy a gift card:
1. Choose the duration of study:
- 3 months, 13,19 €/month (39,57 € in total)
- 6 months, 10,99 €/month (65,93 € in total)
- 12 months, 8,79 €/month (105,47 € in total)
2. Pay for the gift card. The gift card will be immediately sent to your email.
3. Email the gift card to the recipient or print it out.
The recipient can choose from 10 different languages and use the gift card to learn the language of their choice.* The gift card is valid for two months from the date of purchase.
Buy a gift card*The recipient of the gift card can exercise on a computer or the mobile app. For Japanese language, only the browser version is available.