Small talk is part of our daily life. It serves as an ice-breaker in social situations, eases the atmosphere and stands in for silent moments.

Making light-hearted conversation is a skill which every one of us can learn – even in a foreign language! You can use the following easy phrases to help you with small talk in English.

I’m so pleased to meet you.
– This is a good way to start a conversation with someone new.

I’ve heard so much about you.
– When you meet a person for the first time, but have heard about him or her earlier.

Long time no see!
– Use this phrase when you run into an old pal after a long time.

What brings you here?
– A phrase you can use with friends or strangers. An easy way to make conversation.

I was wondering if

– To start a sensitive conversation or to ask something use this phrase.

Sorry to bother you.
– This opening phrase can be used with anyone, even when asking for help from a stranger on the street.

What have you been up to lately?
– A good alternative to asking “How are you?”.

Can’t argue with that.
– When you agree with what someone is saying.

Good for you!
– If someone is proud of their achievement react appropriately.

You’ve got to be kidding me!
– Are you stunned by something you’ve been told? Express it like this.

That’s a good question.
– If you need time to think about your answer use this instead of remaining silent.

Just bear with me for a moment

– If the situation is hectic and you can’t give attention to everyone, you can use this phrase to ask one member of the conversation to be patient and wait a moment.

We’ll catch up later!
– You can call this out to a friend when you are already leaving the conversation, especially if you didn’t have time to properly take part in it.

It’s time for me to head out.
– A friendly way to end the conversation.

And off you are with practising the enjoyable skill of small talk!