Do you feel like it’s harder to speak a foreign language on the phone than face to face? It’s especially difficult to understand native English speakers on the phone, because sometimes they speak very fast and with a heavy accent.

On the phone, you can’t even use gestures and expressions to aid communication, but have to put every message into words as clearly and fluently and possible.

We gathered a long list of useful phrases to use on the phone.

Making a call

  • Hi, this is [your name] from [company name].
  • I’m calling to ask about

  • May I speak with David, please?
  • Hi Sharon, this is [your name] returning your call.

Answering a call

  • [Company name], [your name] speaking.
  • Hi Paul, thanks for getting back to me.

Active listening

In English conversation, it’s important to indicate actively that you’re listening and understand what is being said. You can do this by repeating simple expressions like ”yes”, ”I see” and ”right”.

When you want to buy some time

When you want to check something during the call, you can buy some time with the following phrases:

  • One moment, please.
  • Just a minute, please.
  • Let’s see

  • Let me think

  • Let me check

Taking a message

  • I’m sorry, he is not available at the moment.
  • I’m sorry, she is not in at the moment.
  • Would you like to leave a message?
  • Could I take your name and number, please?

When you can’t hear or don’t understand

  • Would you mind speaking up a bit? I can’t hear you very well.
  • Would you mind speaking a little slower? I’m having a little trouble understanding you.
  • Could you please write that in an e-mail?
  • Could you send me an email with the detailed offer?
  • Could you spell that for me, please?
  • Let me see if I got that right.

Ending the call

  • Thank you for your time.
  • I’ll get in touch in a couple of days.
  • Talk to you soon.
  • Have a good day.