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speaking a foreign language


How Many Words Do You Need to Speak a Foreign Language?

October 22, 2018

Knowledge of a language means being able to communicate – being able to say things and being able to understand what other people are saying. For example, if you can say a few words in English, it doesn’t mean you can speak it fluently, but at least you can say something. Your ability to communicate will get better as your vocabulary gets larger. So how many words do you need to speak a foreign language? Most everyday conversations involve words…

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How to get over your anxiety when speaking a foreign language

July 27, 2017

Do you know the feeling when you try to come up with a reasonable sentence and pronounce it as eloquently as possible, and at the same time your brain is buzzing with grammar rules and your heart is pounding as if you were running a marathon? For me this is a familiar feeling, especially in situations where I try to speak a language for the first time outside of the classroom. Especially if the person I am talking to is…

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