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learning languages


Language learners’ false friends

July 27, 2018

False friends (German: Falsche Freunde) refer to words or phrases in two languages which are similar but which mean different things. These resemblances can be external, meaning that the words look the same, but the words can also have a similar pronunciation. False friends can be perplexing for both language learners and language professionals. Below are some words we have gathered that may give you a headache! gift ≠ das Gift English: gift = German: das Geschenk German: das Gift = English: poison chef…

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Barbecue and picnic traditions from around the world

July 13, 2018

We Finns like to grill. Charcoal grills start popping up on our back yards the minute the first rays of spring sun touch the grass, and from Midsummer on, the smell of freshly roasted grill delicacies fills up the neighborhoods almost on a daily basis. But what kind of grilling habits do people have in other countries? We discovered some interesting barbecue and picnic traditions from different parts of the world. Perhaps some of these are already familiar to you!…

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Learning sentence structure

July 6, 2018

In order to have the ability to use a foreign language fluently, it’s not enough if you just know a bunch of words. You also need to be able to put them together to form sentences that make sense. Some languages are known for their tricky word order, and building sentences just like in your own first language may be impossible. Studying rules from a book is not for all of us Every language has its own challenges. In one…

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Learning languages through music

July 2, 2018

You learn best when studying is fun. That’s why it makes sense to include a variety of methods in your study routine – for instance, learning with music. Studying lyrics is a great way to learn a language because music will help you maintain your motivation, and catchy melodies make memorizing words easier. When you start learning a language with music, the first step is choosing the right songs. It’s important to pick songs that you really like because you will…

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It’s love that makes the world go round

June 15, 2018

Languages bring different cultures together, also when looking at the matter from a romantic viewpoint. International romances and relationships are being established constantly. Internet forums offer a great place to find the One, who may be living on the other side of the world. A holiday trip, an assignment in a foreign country or exchange studies might end up lasting much longer when you meet someone who makes your world go round. Maybe instead of making your way back home…

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The four cornerstones of language learning, part 3: Writing

February 13, 2018

Having language skills means being able to both understand and produce language by writing and speaking. In this third part of our blog series, we will focus our attention on writing. Even though I definitely encourage you to actually start speaking the language you are learning from day one, it might feel too scary. Writing might seem like a safer option, and that’s completely okay. In fact, it can be a really good idea to write down some simple scripts…

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