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how many words

Articles Newsletters

What do our prep course participants think of the course?

June 22, 2016

The popularity of our matriculation exam prep courses has grown significantly in a few years. More than 10 000 high school graduates have already taken the course. Moreover, 98 % of course participants state that they would recommend our courses to their younger fellow students. We are proud of the course’s popularity and of our chance to help Finnish high school graduates to reach top scores in their matriculation exam. But how do this spring’s participants describe our courses? Here…

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How to study two or more languages at the same time

January 15, 2016

The 71-year-old language learning veteran Jaakko Kääriä is currently studying three languages at the same time: Russian, Italian and Spanish. In addition to practicing with WordDive, Kääriä attends language courses at the community college and hones his skills by chatting with international friends. – I meet up with a Russian friend twice a week. He teaches me Russian and I teach him Finnish. Back when we started our language learning sessions, we didn’t have a common language at all because…

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Seppo, Torrevieja: WordDive has become my daily companion

December 15, 2015

Last spring, my friend gave me a tip to try WordDive. I and my wife are retired and we often spend the winter in Spain or the Canary Islands. I’m not linguistically talented, but I still wanted to try WordDive. I started with the introductory course, got excited, and then ordered a six-month course as soon as I was back in Finland. Since then, I’ve been studying Spanish with WordDive almost daily, 20 to 30 minutes a day. We like…

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Articles Newsletters

Flutist Eva Ryan: WordDive helped Finland come alive for me

October 2, 2015

I started studying Finnish with WordDive at the beginning of the summer as I was coming up on my two year anniversary with Finland. Before WordDive, my Finnish studies went through waves of motivation, including one Finnish course and some study on my own. I moved from the US to Finland because I won a place in Lahti Symphony as a flutist. My work is in Finnish, but I quickly got a grasp of the numbers before I moved here,…

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Senior WordDive Users: Retired from Work But Not from Learning!

November 19, 2014

Being retired does not mean retiring from active life any more. On the contrary – many retirees spend their time participating actively in hobbies, traveling and doing other enjoyable things. Self-development, as well as maintaining mental and physical health, is a major part of today’s retiree lifestyle. Learning new languages is also on the menu for more and more elderly people. There are as many reasons and goals as there are learners, but for many, studying in itself is a…

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Articles Newsletters

Read about other WordDive users’ experiences in our new article series!

October 12, 2014

WordDive has been designed to answer to different language learners’ needs in different and changing life situations. From the feedback we receive, we’re very happy to read that users with many and varied backgrounds and goals have found WordDive to be a great way to improve their language skills! In this new article series, we interview users who want to share their WordDive experiences with all of you. The series begins with city council member and immigrant activist Mohammad Azizi,…

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