
WordDive’s Free iPhone App Is Now Available to Download

February 21, 2014

The wait is finally over. WordDive’s first mobile app for Apple iPhone is now available for download from the App Store. With the new app you are able to learn English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Estonian or Russian on the go. At the same time it is easy to switch between devices, if you wish to. Just log in to your WordDive account on your smartphone or your PC and pick up from where you have left off. In addition…

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What Is the Best Age to Learn a Language?

February 5, 2014

Children pick up languages with a sponge-like ease, but for many adults at different stages of life learning a foreign language is an overwhelming, if not an impossible, task. Or so it seems. Today we would like to focus on the question in the title: What is the best age to learn a new language? And, consequently, is any age better than another for language acquisition?…

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We Reached 3 Million Permanent Study Items!

January 29, 2014

Together our users have learned 3 million study items permanently! This is an extraordinary result, and today we would like to take a minute and congratulate everyone who took part in bringing this significant milestone closer with hard work and dedication. Permanent learning is one of the key things that differentiate WordDive from other language learning solutions. It means that we make sure you know and still remember what you have learned in the years to come. It also means…

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Meet WordDive’s First Mobile App

January 15, 2014

                                                                                                                image made with placeit Hi all, We are thrilled to announce the release of the first WordDive mobile app. This iOS app will take…

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Five Simple Tips to Stay Motivated While Learning Languages

January 1, 2014

What a great time we’ve all had during these past few weeks! So much fun, so many hopes and plans for the next year. Now, that we’ve turned the symbolic new page of 2014, the excitement has subsided a little, and soon we will be back to our everyday lives. Lives which are packed full with routines, minor worries and things to do every day. The big question is: Will you do something about your hopes and plans this year,…

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