WordDive is updating its look and feel. The old design underwent a complete overhaul, and our new look is fresh, spacious and vibrant. The new colors are brighter and the fonts are easier to read. We hope this makes your studying even more pleasant, fast and fun.
The improved look is launched first in the English and Russian versions of our site. The rest of the language versions will be ready by the end of the year.
The basic functionalities and game mechanics of the exercises remain the same, so you don’t have to worry about having to learn new tricks or techniques. We promise to always keep studying with WordDive smooth, easy and effective!
P.S. We hope you love our new look as much as we do. Please tell us how you feel about the new design on Facebook or Twitter. We would love to get some honest and helpful feedback on the update.
A mighty mix of language learning professionals, engineers, designers, user interface developers, gamers and psychologists.
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