Asylum seekers, waiting for their application to be processed, live in the reception centers for months. Meanwhile they study the local language, culture and customs. In the Finnish reception centers there are Finnish teachers and voluntary workers, but according to Senior Adviser Inkeri Mellanen from the Finnish Immigration Service, the need for additional materials is pressing: “The asylum seekers want to study more than the amount of lessons we can offer.” WordDive wants to meet this need by donating a free…
On Saturday, September 26, is the annual European Day of Languages. The purpose of this day is to celebrate the linguistic diversity of Europe and emphasize the importance of good language skills and life-long learning, as well as to encourage people to study new languages. Learning a new language can be a challenge and it requires continuous practice. WordDive offers you a wide range of courses for each language. Celebrate the Day of Languages by continuing your language studies. Today is…
WordDive is updating its look and feel. The old design underwent a complete overhaul, and our new look is fresh, spacious and vibrant. The new colors are brighter and the fonts are easier to read. We hope this makes your studying even more pleasant, fast and fun. The improved look is launched first in the English and Russian versions of our site. The rest of the language versions will be ready by the end of the year. The basic functionalities and game mechanics of the…
“Globalization increases the need to learn languages with people and business moving across borders”, writes journalist Päivi Stenroos in her recent article for Tampere – All Bright! Magazine. “Demand increases supply, and there is a large number of various online language learning services available nowadays.” She asked Timo-Pekka Leinonen, WordDive CEO, how WordDive aims to stand out from the crowd. “We started out by thinking what the computer can do for the student. It can be a personal instructor that individually optimises the learning…
From zero to excellent Swedish grades: the story of a Finnish engineering student
September 3, 2015Finnish universities have a mandatory Swedish course that everyone has to pass in order to graduate. While Finns do study Swedish in school, the mandatory Swedish course in the university still causes a lot of headache, especially for the engineering students. Only a fraction of them get through the mandatory course without remedial teaching, and in the worst cases, failing to complete that one course delays their graduation. When the 25-year-old mechanic Mika Lamminen started his studies at the Tampere…
“Definitely aurinko (the sun). It sounds so beautiful and reminds me of the magical AURYN talisman in The Neverending Story”, responds the Catalan Rodolfo Garrido Andrés when he is asked about his favorite Finnish word. Rodolfo started studying Finnish a couple of years ago when he started going out with a Finn. “I started to learn Finnish out of respect for him. I wouldn’t have had to, but I love languages! We are not together any more, but I have…